July is Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride Month banner

July is Disability Pride Month, which was established after the official passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 1990. Here at SC Talking Book Services, we are honored to serve our patrons who comprise this community. Nearly 15% of the American population has some form of disability. This month is designed to honor and bring together those with disabilities and to help spread awareness. Disability Pride Month also aims to bring awareness and attention to inclusivity, universal design, and making our society one that all can easily access. Feel free to contact any of the TBS Reader Advisors for more suggestions related to Disability Pride Month or other titles that delve further into the experiences of the disability community. 

Connect the Dots

Spring 2024

The latest edition of Connect the Dots is here, and as always it’s full of reading recommendations, national and community Talking Book Services updates, and much more. Listen now to stay up-to-date on what’s happening at SC TBS!

Spring 2024 (print version)